Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Persuasive Writing Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Did you know dogs can guide blind people places and cats can't?
It is my belief that dogs are better than cats.

Firstly, dogs are very protective and when there is a burglary dogs
 will deal with them for you.

Secondly, dogs have strong noses and can sniff out
drugs, meat and other in bags at the airport.

Lastly, dogs always listen to their owners
and cats just run around and never listen to you.

Therefore, I strongly believe dogs are better than cats.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Letter To Jacinda Ardern

Dear The Right Hon Jacinda Ardern,
                     Ban Plastic Bags

Did you know NZ is losing money because tourists don't want to visit our country because of how much pollution there is? It is my belief all plastic bags should be banned in New Zealand.

Firstly, It’s affecting our oceans and killing our precious sea animals. Rubbish such as plastic bags are going down our drains. When rubbish goes down our drains it arrives in our ocean then animals mistake it for food.
Secondly, One plastic bag uses the same amount of oil as a car 115 metres! So everytime a plastic bag is made it is using a lot of oil and oil is not sustainable.

Lastly, Plastic bags contain chemical, toxins and BPA which links to cancer this is bad because the sea life eat the rubbish and when we eat the fish we ingest the BPA. In the future there may be more rubbish then fish in our ocean.

Therefore, I strongly believe we should ban the bag to have a clean and green country.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Water Filtration Experiment

Ingredients and materials:

  • 2 litre clear bottle
  • 13 or more cotton balls
  • 1 cup of gravel
  • 1 cup of sand
  • 1/4 of a cup of dye
  • 1/4 of a cup of cooking oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • 20 pieces of styrofoam
  • Sharp scissors
  • Craft knife
  • Bowl

1. Cut your 2 litre bottle in half with scissors and a craft knife.
2. Take the lid of the top of the bottle and have the top facing downwards in the bottom half.
3. Put 13 or more cotton balls in the top half and push down.
4. Add 1 cup of sand on top of the cotton balls.
5. Next add 1 cup of gravel on top of the sand.
6. After that move on to the dirty water.
7. To make the dirty water get your bowl and add 2 cups of clean water.
8. Next add 1/4 of a cup of dye to the bowl.
9. Put 1/4 of a cup of cooking oil to the bowl.
10. Lastly for the dirty water add 20 pieces of styrofoam.
11.After that add your dirty water to your experiment and watch what happens!

My Eye Art

This is my eye art from our schools art exhibition.